Noah and the Try-ceratops


Use Noah and the Try-ceratops to help children see the fun in exploring, experimenting and trying different things, even when it’s hard.

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Ever try to get a little one to try something new and have a hard time convincing them to try?  Noah and the Try-ceratops is a sweet little solution to encourage kids to try new things; everything is just a little easier to try with Try-ceratops close by!  Author Stephanie Staples wrote the book to help children see the fun in exploring, experimenting and trying different things, even when it’s hard.  She combined the words of a song she wrote with extraordinary  illustrations produced by Duane M. Abel, a talented cartoonist and illustrator.

The book is available in two versions – Print and Personalize.  In the Print version, Noah interacts with Mom, Dad, Gramma, and Grandpa.  The Personalize version allows your family to use their own terms like Mama, Pater, Ouma, Bumpa, or ??

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Print, Personalize

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